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Dealing with illness

Looking after yourself and your finances

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Dealing with illness is often unexpected and stressful. Getting emotional and financial support can help you manage.

If you're in crisis or struggling to make ends meet, see urgent help with money to find services to help you with food, housing and bills.

Get financial support

See a financial counsellor

If you're feeling overwhelmed, a financial counsellor can help you manage your money during a difficult time. They can help you review your budget, your bills and your debts, and find ways to improve your situation.

Government assistance

If you're a carer, you may be able to get financial assistance from Centrelink. For more information, see Carer Allowance and Carer Payment.

Medicare helps with the costs of seeing a doctor, getting medicines, and accessing mental health care. See what's covered by Medicare.

Help with bills and mortgage

If you're finding it hard to pay your utility bills or mortgage, contact your service provider or bank and ask to speak to their financial hardship team. They may be able to extend the due date, let you make smaller repayments over a longer period, or postpone your repayments.

For step-by-step help, see:

Use your leave, insurance and super

Leave from your employer

Most employees — but not casual employees — can take paid leave when they can't work because of an illness. This is called personal leave or sick leave, and it can cover stress and pregnancy-related illnesses.

Ask your employer how much paid sick leave you're entitled to. You may also be able to get unpaid leave or carer's leave (if you're a carer). The Fair Work Ombudsman website has more information about paid sick leave and carer's leave.

Insurance cover

Some insurance policies cover costs related to illness. Check your policies, including any insurance you hold through your super fund. 

Getting your super early

If you're unable to work because of a medical condition, you may be able to get your super early. For more information about whether you're eligible, see getting your super.

Get emotional support

Finding out that you, or someone close to you, has a serious illness can be difficult. 

If you're struggling, a professional can give you confidential help and support.

Ask your doctor or search online to find support networks or groups. Connecting with others who are experiencing the same illness can also be a good way to share information.

Crisis support

13 11 14

24 hours

online Crisis Support Chat

Depression, anxiety and grief support

Beyond Blue

1300 22 46 36

24 hours

web chat

Counselling and support organisations for carers

Carer Gateway

1800 422 737

8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday

Social work and counselling services
for Centrelink customers

Services Australia

13 17 94

Business hours

Information, support and resources for people living with chronic illness and their loved ones
